All about S ess :P

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充满爱情的感情 :)

五百个字也许是高难度了一点,而且要写的是你一个人所以是难上加难,但是为了你,这算得了什么? :)

记得我第一次见到你时是在六年前,那时我还是一个没有人会认识的小胖,而你却是一个差不多快红炮全雪州的花样小女孩 :)

你有一双水汪汪的眼睛,长长的灵活双手,乌黑的长发加上个让我忘不了的魔鬼般身材,你那天使的脸庞更是让我忘不掉你 。每当我看到你,我就会陶醉在美若天仙的你,你的美真的是非笔也默难以形容,你的美不但在外而且也在内 所以有超多男生在追你但我那时的确还不够班 ,我只能够默默地等,在角落旁;黑暗中慢慢地等待 : )

结果真的有一天,竟然给我等到了,我不知如何向你要电话号码,我并在你的面子书上流言,和你说话与聊天,聊啊聊,我们已经成为了史上最好的朋友,我们的友情可说是风吹也吹不倒、刀切也切不断,那么坚固,那么坚硬 : )


But look at today ,我们竟然进步了到这儿,那一种喜悦感才是真真的人生喜悦。你让我提会到了人生中不显然的意义,没有了你,也许也没有今天的我 : )

我真的真的要感谢上帝,虽然我在东;你在西,距离有一点远,但我知道我们爱情的力量肯定能克服这些难题 : )

有时你没有回复我的讯息,但我也没怪你因为我知道你是有苦衷。你愿意给我你柔软的小手,让我的那大大的手捉着你吗? : )

Big Apple Adventure Love You More

I love you more :D

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years (Official Music Video)


LOVE is something some say ordinary but some say it's extraordinary . I think that LOVE is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. For Instance , GOD IS LOVE :D

Everybody wants to love and wants to be loved like ERIK ( The Phantom of The Opera ), i read that book like a thousand times addy for the past few months ==
Nobody can live without love like ROMEO AND JULIET , EDWARD AND BELLA ==
Even us , we need GOD's love and GOD definitely loves us too !

In the book of JOHN ,chapter 3;16 - For GOD loved the world in this way , HE gave his one and only son ,so that everyone who believes in HIM will not Perish but have Eternal life :D
You can see how is GOD's love through HIS action !
♥ ♥ ♥ His Heart craves us. ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ His Love is brave for us. ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ His Eyes watch over us. ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ His Arms stretch toward us. ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ His Heart yearns for us. ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ His Mind dwells on us. ♥ ♥ ♥

: )

The Click Five - Don't Let Me Go Official Video

Something in my life that's worth mentioning :)

Hey people , It's me -Rue Shen :D
Recently just watched The FINA Aquatic Championship, it was Awesome! The adrenaline Rush ~
Incredible super duper mega hyper Outrageous !

Plus i just got back my Cambridge exam result !
Extremely and Pure SATISFACTION :)
Eventough , my Grammer dimprove a lot but yet my reading,listening, writing and speaking improve a lot :)